
Understanding the online world may seem challenging, but we’re here to help. Whether you want a website or a custom app, we turn your ideas into reality.
As IT experts, we aim to be your ally for all your digital needs. Trust us to guide you and bring your big projects to life. We’re here to support you on your digital journey.

Your Expert in Web Development and Cloud Solutions

At AquawebIT, we specialize in fullstack web development and cloud integration with deep expertise in Microsoft Azure. We support both innovative startups and large industrial groups, turning their ideas into high-performing and scalable digital solutions. With mastery of the latest technologies, our team ensures custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Full-Stack Web Development

Build robust, modern and scalable web applications…

Cloud & Azure Development

Migrate and optimize your solutions in the cloud with Azure…

Integration & DevOps

Automate and optimize your IT processes with our DevOps services…

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solutions​

Transform your business with custom Dynamics 365 solutions…

Digital Loyalty Programs​

Boost customer engagement with innovative loyalty programs…

Mobile & PWA Development​​

Deliver high-performance mobile experiences with native apps and PWAs…

Expertise and Flexibility

Our expertise spans from frontend to backend development, including complex cloud architectures. We work with modern technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, React, Angular, and of course, Azure for cloud computing. This mastery allows us to design integrated, secure solutions ready to evolve with your needs.
Whether you need a responsive web application, a robust backend system, or migration of your infrastructure to the cloud, we have the skills to do it. We offer flexibility in our approach, adapting to our clients’ preferred collaboration modes: whether it’s on a time and materials basis, for specific fixed-price projects, or as part of application maintenance (AM). We take pride in ensuring continuous monitoring and constant improvement of the solutions we deploy.

A Personalized Client Approach

We understand that each client is unique, which is why we offer a personalized approach, whether you’re a startup looking to quickly launch an innovative product or a large company requiring complex cloud migration. Our solutions are designed to maximize efficiency and innovation while aligning with your strategic goals.

Digital Loyalty Solutions

In collaboration with our associated company MosaicMaker, we also offer digital loyalty solutions that strengthen customer engagement. These custom programs are designed to increase retention and create lasting value for your customers, while incorporating market best practices.

Get in Touch with Us

Do you have a project in mind? Contact us today to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you achieve your digital goals. Together, we’ll turn your vision into reality.